Volunteer to Stitch


Carolyn Kerchof came to a community stitching session at the Museum of Boulder in 2020. She wrote a book about both her experience during COVID, and interviewed others through her project “Boulder Covid Stories,” a book she self-published (cover pictured here). She started a block, but life circumstances prevented her from finishing it. Utilizing both excerpts from her writing, the design and layout of the book (collages by Jessica Moon Bernstein), and additional details shared via conversations, I (Heather) created a design to complete her block. Click over to the ‘Create Design’ page to see the beginning sketch and resulting pattern. Pictured above is the completed block, stitched by my mother.

Sign up to stitch here!

Your labor matters

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all of us in some way, and our project is working to ensure that those who have suffered the most are centered in our efforts to tell stories about this time.

If you love to cross stitch, would like to create a block on behalf of someone who cannot do so themselves, or contribute to this ongoing creative archive with your hands, please join us.

A full pattern and materials to get started will be shipped directly to you. No prior experience is required, we have cross stitch tutorials available to help you learn. We are available for additional guidance as required.

So far, this project has been fully volunteer-based, with support from various grants and individual donors. If you require additional support to purchase thread to complete your block, please check that box on the sign-up form (below).